Initiators of RSN: Inception of Run For North Kathmandu

Interns of K&K college are accepted by buildNepal and the intents worked to institutionalize RSN. “Run For North Kathmandu” became the first event organized in the leadership of the interns of K&K college. The team of Rajeev and Durga gave their best to make “Run For North Kathmandu” a truly successful event. Here is how they describe their experience of an internship with buildNepal.

Run For North Kathmandu gathered 121 Students from 10 schools and over 40 adults in the program. The participation of the event was open to all. This event also engaged students from the Entrepreneurship Club of Prithivi Narayan school. As part of the event, students prepared a business plan to sell lassi on the day of Run for North Kathmandu. Students took loans to prepare the lassi on the basis of a business plan. They prepared the lassi themselves and sold over 80 cups of lassi. As a result, they made some profit through their entrepreneurial spirit and hard work.  

We, Durga and Rajeev, are very common in our names, common in our status and common in our passion. Similarly, what we do is also common. However,  what makes us different from common people is that we prove ourselves by doing common things. And we love to do these common acts well. In order to work with the Students and the Schools of North Kathmandu, Courage and Motivation are the two factors in which we worked. Courage and motivation to deal with difficulties and challenges are the keys to our success.

We believed in actions that provide results and the actions with purpose will definitely give positive changes in you and your work.RSN – Responsible School Network means a lot to us. We did not only teach social responsibility is all about and entrepreneurship means to Students of Prithivi Narayan Higher Secondary School, but we also made them practice and implement in their practical and social life. Furthermore, we interns of K&K college will always remember the valuable platform provided by buildNepal and North Kathmandu. Describing a single individual is never going too easy to anyone even ourselves. Therefore, talking about it is futile. Lastly, we would like to share one thing that we will not fly high but we will chase high to bring about change: We Can Change Nepal.