A model organic village of North Kathmandu

A western portion of Dhital Thok has been transformed as an organic village thanks toMr. Prakash Dhital, Initiator/Leader for the organic village, who is also executive member of North Kathmandu. According to Mr. Dhital it’s been a decade since his land seen any insecticides and pesticides. Within a couple of years the whole of his village has stopped using insecticides and pesticides. While asking him about the benefits of not using those insecticides and pesticides, we learn that he has seen a distinct growth in the quality and fertility of the soil and the overall environment seemed to be changed. The production can be better in the organic field if the plants are cared properly. Mr. Dhital also told that the Local breed of plants seem to be more fruitful in organic field than that of the hybrid ones, proving that preservation for the Local breed of plant is necessary as they have  been extinct from the semi urban communities. Mr. Dhital is preserving those breeds as much as possible and he is also trying to collect more and make the farm also as the resource center for the local breed plants.